endospine clinic

A Premier Subspecialty Spine Clinic

Endospine Clinic – Cairo (ECC) is renowned for the use of advanced technology, modern endoscopic and minimally invasive spine procedures. Since 2005, the launch of ECC as a devoted practice, fully endoscopic treatment to virtually all kinds of spinal disorders and diseases, even some of the most complex, has been successfully performed for over 3,500 patients from Egypt and worldwide.

Fully dedicated to endoscopic and minimally invasive spine care, we have set our goal on optimizing each patient’s care and successful return to his/her full lifestyle. Utilizing treatment options that in many cases are not available elsewhere, we pioneer minimally invasive treatments for a variety of spine and spine-related pain disorders and diseases. Among its other benefits, minimally invasive techniques consistently bring about quicker recoveries, less tissue trauma and full regain of unlimited/unrestricted activeness.

Devoted to providing exceptional care for patients with spine problems and diseases, our unique endoscopic treatment options distinguishes our practice from the majority of other facilities that employ open invasive surgeries, microscopic surgeries and other techniques.


At ECC we thrive to provide excellent specialized patient care and technically superb, compassionate and timely treatment for disorders or diseases that affect the spine and/or spinal cord and nerves utilizing minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques.


Prof. Dr. Mohamed Kabil, is a consultant neurosurgeon specializing in minimally invasive and endoscopic spine surgeries and procedures. These techniques enable successful address to a wide range of spine and chronic pain problems that affect our patients and have been routinely and successfully utilized in our practice since 2003.

Our work is dedicated to minimally invasive spine treatment and research. The purpose is to ensure that each patient is provided with an exquisite “minimally invasive” but also “maximally effective” treatment for his/her spine disease/disorder and associated chronic pain condition. At ECC, we offer highly specialized medical care for diseases of the spine for both adult with incorporation of minimally invasive neurosurgical techniques and management strategies.

Minimally invasive procedures with maximum patient safety and well-being
The ECC is committed to achieving excellence in the diagnosis and treatment spine disorders. The minimally invasive treatment options have revolutionized the successful and definitive cure for many previously – difficult to treat –  spine disorders or diseases. When surgery is required, precise endoscopic techniques are performed typically, allowing for early mobilization, reduced hospitalization and rapid postoperative recovery.